Understanding the Aging Process Leads to More Effective Orthodontics

If you’ve ever looked at younger photos of yourself, you’re sure to notice differences with your present appearance. Of course, your basic features might appear much the same. But maybe your lips seemed a little thicker back then, or your nose a bit less prominent. This is because your facial features don’t stop growing when […]
Winter Tooth Tips

Winter is the time for snowy landscapes, hot cocoa and flannel PJs, but for some ’tis the season for tooth trouble. What can you do to keep your teeth from becoming a pain this winter? Tackle tooth sensitivity. Does crisp winter air on your teeth give you a jolt? A study published in the Journal […]
In Today’s NFL, Oral Hygiene Takes Center Stage

Everyone knows that in the game of football, quarterbacks are looked up to as team leaders. That’s why we’re so pleased to see some NFL QB’s setting great examples of… wait for it… excellent oral hygiene. First, at the 2016 season opener against the Broncos, Cam Newton of the Carolina Panthers was spotted on the […]
The Dangers of DIY Braces

Let’s say you’ve always wanted to have straighter teeth, and you’re wondering if it’s time to seek help from a dentist or orthodontist. So you search online and find a YouTube video called “Cheap easy braces!! Without going to the dentist!!!!!” Your instincts are screaming “NO,” but you can’t help wondering… could it really be […]
Why the Ointment You’re Using Could be Making Your Facial Rash Worse

The red, scaly rash suddenly appearing on your face doesn’t cause you much physical discomfort, but it’s still embarrassing. And to make matters worse treating it as you would other skin ailments seems to make it worse. Your ailment might be a particular skin condition known as peri-oral dermatitis. Although its overall occurrence is fairly […]
We Can Rid You of That Irritating Lump in Your Mouth You Keep Biting

You might not be aware how much force your jaws generate while you eat or chew. But you can become aware in a hurry when part of your inside cheek or lip gets in the way. What may be even worse than the initial painful bite are the high odds you’ll bite the same spot […]
Periodontal Probing Increases Accuracy in Diagnosing Gum Disease

If you’re over age 30 there’s a fifty percent chance you have periodontal (gum) disease—and you may not even know it. Without treatment this often “silent” bacterial infection could cause you to lose gum coverage, supporting bone volume or eventually your teeth. That’s not to say there can’t be noticeable symptoms like swollen, red, bleeding […]
If You’re not a Good Candidate for Dental Implants, Consider Bridgework

Not long ago the dental bridge was the alternative treatment of choice to partial dentures for restoring lost teeth. Over the last few decades, however, dental implants have nudged bridgework out of this premier spot. That doesn’t mean, though, that bridgework has gone the way of the horse and buggy. In fact, it may still […]
Removing Teeth Could Improve the Outcome for a Crowded Bite

The primary goal of dental care is to preserve teeth. But there are circumstances in which removing a tooth, even a relatively healthy one, could prove best in the long run. A malocclusion (poor bite) related to crowding might fit such a circumstance. Crowding occurs when the size of the jaw is too small for […]
A Toothless Tiger?

Let’s say you’re traveling to Italy to surprise your girlfriend, who is competing in an alpine ski race… and when you lower the scarf that’s covering your face, you reveal to the assembled paparazzi that one of your front teeth is missing. What will you do about this dental dilemma? Sound far-fetched? It recently happened […]