Implants Make Dentures More Secure, Comfortable and Bone-Friendly

Even in the 21st Century, losing most or all of your teeth is still an unfortunate possibility. Many in this circumstance turn to dentures, as their great-grandparents did, to restore their teeth. But today’s dentures are much different from those of past generations—and dental implants are a big reason why. The basic denture is made […]
Replace Your Teeth in Stages With the Help of Dental Implants

Complete tooth loss is a common condition among older adults, gradually occurring one or two teeth at a time. There often comes a point of realization, though, that all the teeth will eventually be lost. This can create a dilemma: Do you replace teeth as they’re lost, or go ahead and have all of them […]
What You Can Do About Bad Breath (Unless You’re a Famous Actress Pranking Your Co-Star)

Hollywood superstar Jennifer Lawrence is a highly paid actress, Oscar winner, successful producer and…merry prankster. She’s the latter, at least with co-star Liam Hemsworth: It seems Lawrence deliberately ate tuna fish, garlic or other malodorous foods right before their kissing scenes while filming The Hunger Games. It was all in good fun, of course—and her […]
Studies Show Vaping May Not Be Safer for Oral Health Than Tobacco

There’s ample evidence tobacco smoking increases your risk for tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. But the same may be true for electronic cigarettes (E-cigs): Although millions have turned to “vaping” believing it’s a safer alternative to smoking, there are growing signs it might also be harmful to oral health. An E-cig is a device […]
It’s Time for Football! Is Your Favorite Player’s Mouth Fully Protected?

It’s September—and that means football season is underway. Whether you’re playing, spectating or managing a fantasy team, the action is about to ramp up. Unfortunately, increased “action” also includes injury risk, especially for a player’s teeth, mouth and jaws. Injury prevention is a top priority for all players, whether the pros or the little guys […]
Want to Improve Your Athletic Performance? Try Tuning Up Your Dental Care

After a long hiatus, school athletes are gearing up for another sports year. Given the pandemic, they may be modifying some of their usual habits and practices. But one thing probably won’t change: These young athletes will be looking for every way possible to improve their sports performance. And a new research study offers one […]
How Shawn Mendes and Miley Cyrus Got Their Stellar Smiles

The 2019 Grammy Awards was a star-studded night packed with memorable performances. One standout came from the young Canadian singer Shawn Mendes, who sang a powerful duet of his hit song “In My Blood” with pop diva Miley Cyrus. But that duo’s stellar smiles weren’t always quite as camera-ready as they looked that night. “I […]
How to Avoid This Painful Condition After Tooth Extraction

Dentists and oral surgeons remove millions of teeth every year, most without any adverse aftereffects. But about 2% of patients experience a dry socket, a condition that, although not dangerous to health, can be quite painful. Also known as alveolar osteitis, a dry socket occurs when the blood clot that normally forms right after extraction […]
Your Teeth Don’t Grow Like a Squirrel’s, So Protect Them From Excessive Wear

Despite momentous strides in recent years in the fight against cancer, treatments can still disrupt normal life. Both radiation and chemotherapy have side effects that can cause problems in other areas of health—particularly the teeth and gums. If you or a loved one are undergoing cancer treatment, it’s important to get ahead of any potential […]
Transform ‘Smile Zone’ Teeth With Composite Resins

As far as your appearance goes, the most important teeth you have are those in the “smile zone.” These are the teeth most visible when you smile—and the ones that awkwardly stand out if they’re chipped, worn or otherwise flawed. More than any other teeth, they determine how inviting your smile is to others. You […]