Listen to Ellen DeGeneres: Don’t Think You Can Get Away Without Flossing!

This year’s Carol Burnett Award, presented at the Golden Globes, goes to Ellen DeGeneres for her “outstanding contributions to the television medium on or off the screen.” This is the latest in a long list of honors for the comedienne, talk show host and activist that includes Emmys, Grammys and Teen Choice Awards. And one […]
Keep Your Child’s Fluoride Intake at a Safe but Effective Level

Fluoride is an important part of your child’s dental development. But if children take in too much of this important mineral, they could experience enamel fluorosis, a condition in which teeth become discolored with dark streaking or mottling. That’s why it’s important to keep fluoride levels within safe bounds, especially for children under the age […]
4 Things You Can Do To Protect Oral Health During Cancer Treatment

Despite momentous strides in recent years in the fight against cancer, treatments can still disrupt normal life. Both radiation and chemotherapy have side effects that can cause problems in other areas of health—particularly the teeth and gums. If you or a loved one are undergoing cancer treatment, it’s important to get ahead of any potential […]
Could a Dental Bridge Be a Better Choice Than Implants?

What a difference forty years can make: Dental bridges once occupied the top spot for choices to replace missing teeth until the arrival of dental implants in the 1980s. Today, dental implants are the gold standard for dental restoration. But although bridgework may have lost “first chair” in the orchestra of restorations, it’s still a […]
Zac Efron’s Smile Transformation Could Happen to You

Actor Zac Efron has one of the top smiles in a business known for beautiful smiles. Bursting on the scene in 2006 at age 18 in High School Musical, Efron has steadily increased his range of acting roles. He recently starred as Ted Bundy on Netflix, wearing prosthetics to match the notorious serial killer’s crooked […]
Two Major Causes for Implant Failure and How You Can Prevent Them

Dental implants are a reliable way to replace teeth. More than 95% of implants survive ten years after their installation, and many of these could conceivably continue for decades. But that still leaves a tiny few that don’t reach the ten-year mark. Some fail early because the implant didn’t integrate fully with the bone to […]
Local Anesthesia Makes for a More Pleasant and Pain-Free Dental Experience

You know you should see the dentist about that nagging tooth or gum problem, but you keep putting it off. Truth be told, you’re a little nervous that your treatment visit might be unpleasant. In one sense, your concern isn’t unreasonable: The teeth and gums abound in nerves that are more than effective in signaling […]
3 Reasons For Preserving a Decayed Baby Tooth

Tooth decay can be a big problem for children’s primary (baby) teeth. It doesn’t take long for a tooth to become infected and the infection spread to their neighbors. But since it will eventually give way to a permanent tooth, why not just pull a diseased primary tooth? Although that sounds sensible, there are important […]
NHL Iron Man Keith Yandle Suffers Dental Trauma on Ice

Professional Hockey player Keith Yandle is the current NHL “iron man”—that is, he has earned the distinction of playing in the most consecutive games. On November 23, Yandle was in the first period of his 820th consecutive game when a flying puck knocked out or broke nine of his front teeth. He returned third period […]
Eating the Right Kind of Carbs Can Help You Avoid Gum Disease

There are great health benefits to eating better, including for your teeth and gums. But to determine your ideal diet, you’ll have to come to terms with carbohydrates, the sugars, fiber and starches found in plants or dairy products that convert to glucose after digestion. Carbohydrates (also known as carbs) are important because the glucose […]