Veneers may Offer a Less Invasive Way to Transform Your Smile

If your smile is, to put it mildly, “unattractive,” you may think only extensive and expensive dental work can change it. But depending on your teeth’s actual condition, you might be able to obtain a new smile with a less-invasive option: porcelain veneers. As their name implies, veneers are thin layers of dental porcelain bonded […]
(Don’t) Break It Like Beckham

During his former career as a professional footballer (that’s a soccer star to U.S. sports fans) David Beckham was known for his skill at “bending” a soccer ball. His ability to make the ball curve in mid-flight — to avoid a defender or score a goal — led scores of kids to try to “bend […]
Protect Your Teeth During Football Season

Autumn begins in the month of September, a season that promises cooler days and longer nights. But more significantly for sports fans, September marks the start of football season. Football remains America’s favorite spectator sport—and it’s also played by countless college and high school athletes, as well as those who enjoy an occasional pickup game […]
Treating a Child’s Tooth Injury May Require Special Consideration

Often as children grow older, their participation in sports or similar activities increases. While generally encouraged, this greater activity does increase injury risk, especially to the mouth. In fact, the late childhood to early adulthood demographic is the most prone portion of the population to incur dental injuries. To complicate matters, their dental development is […]
Improving a ‘Gummy Smile’ Depends on its Cause

A “gummy” smile, in which the upper gums are too prominent, is a common condition. There are several causes for gummy smiles — determining which one is the first step to having your appearance changed. Although perceptions vary from person to person, most dentists agree a gummy smile shows 4 mm or more of gum […]
New Front Teeth for a Teenaged David Duchovny

In real life he was a hard-charging basketball player through high school and college. In TV and the movies, he has gone head-to-head with serial killers, assorted bad guys… even mysterious paranormal forces. So would you believe that David Duchovny, who played Agent Fox Mulder in The X-Files and starred in countless other large and […]
New Dental Advances Promise Better Outcomes for Treating Decay

Over the last century effectively treating a decayed tooth has often required removing any decayed structure with drilling and then filling the remaining cavity. While this approach does save teeth that might otherwise be lost, it can also result in a fair amount of healthy structure removed in the process. But continuing advances in dentistry […]
Inflammation: the Link Between Gum Disease and Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease and periodontal (gum) disease are two different conditions with their own set of symptoms and outcomes. But they do share one common element: inflammation. In fact, this otherwise normal defensive response of the body might actually create a link between them. When tissues become damaged from disease or injury, the body triggers inflammation […]
Guide Your Older Children or Teens through These 3 Oral Health Areas

Helping your infant or toddler develop good dental habits is one of the best head starts you can give them toward optimum oral health. But even after they’ve matured enough to handle hygiene tasks without you, they still need your guidance. This is especially true in the “tween” and teen years. Although they’re beginning to […]
Bobby Bones Dances His Way to Dental Damage

The long-running hit show Dancing with the Stars has had its share of memorable moments, including a wedding proposal, a wardrobe malfunction, and lots of sharp dance moves. But just recently, one DWTS contestant had the bad luck of taking an elbow to the mouth on two separate occasions—one of which resulted in some serious […]