Weather the ‘Storm’ of Teething with These Comfort Tips

Teething is a normal part of your baby’s dental development. That doesn’t make it less stressful, though, for you or your baby. This natural process occurs as your child’s primary teeth sequentially erupt through the gums over a period of two or three years. The first are usually the two lower front teeth followed by […]
Porcelain Veneers Might not be the Best Option for Teenagers

For chipped, stained, or slightly crooked teeth, dental veneers might be the ideal solution. These thin layers of porcelain bonded directly over the teeth with the perfect blend of color, sizes and shapes, can transform a person’s smile for a relatively modest cost. But if the teeth belong to a teenager, veneers might not be […]
Lingual Braces Offer a Less Visible Alternative to Traditional Braces

We’re all familiar with tried and true traditional braces and perhaps with newer clear aligners for realigning teeth. But there’s an even more novel way that’s quickly becoming popular: lingual braces. This type of braces performs the same function as the traditional but in an opposite way. Rather than bonded to the front of the […]
America’s (Dentists) Got Talent – for Fixing Damaged or Missing Teeth!

A recent episode of “America’s Got Talent” featured an engaging 93-year-old strongman called The Mighty Atom Jr. The mature muscleman’s stunt: moving a full-sized car (laden with his octogenarian “kid brother,” his brother’s wife, plus Atom’s “lady friend”) using just his teeth. Grinning for host Howie Mandel, Atom proudly told the TV audience that his […]
3 Ways Orthodontic Techniques Could Prevent a Poor Bite

While orthodontists can effectively correct most poor bites (malocclusions), some can be quite complex requiring much time and expense. But there’s good news—we often don’t have to wait on a malocclusion to fully develop if we catch it in time. Thanks to interceptive orthodontics, we may be able to intervene much earlier and eliminate or […]
Stay Hydrated in Winter for Better Year-Round Oral Hygiene

Whether you live in the snow belt or the sunny south, the winter season often means a change in the weather. In many places, the sun isn’t as strong and cooler temperatures bring relief from the summer’s heat. Yet even though it may be chillier outside, your body’s need for hydration is the same as […]
4 Ways to Check on Your Brushing and Flossing Effectiveness

For most of us, brushing and flossing is a routine part of daily life. But has it become such a routine that you may not be getting the most out of your daily regimen? First, let’s be clear about what you’re trying to accomplish with these two important hygiene tasks, which is to remove as […]
Your Regular Dental Visits Might Change if You’ve had Gum Disease

Periodontal (gum) disease is as common as it is destructive. Almost half of all adults 30 and older have some form—and those numbers increase to nearly three-quarters by age 65. Fortunately, we have effective ways to treat this bacterial infection, especially if we catch it early. By thoroughly removing all plaque, the disease-causing, bacterial biofilm […]
Your Toothache is Telling you Something’s Wrong in Your Mouth

A toothache might mean you have tooth decay—or maybe not. It could also be a sign of other problems that will take a dental exam to uncover. But we can get some initial clues about the underlying cause from how much it hurts, when and for how long it hurts and where you feel the […]
4 Things to Avoid if You Want to Support Your Child’s Dental Development

Your child’s oral development generates considerable changes during their “growing up” years. There are a number of things you can do to help support their development—but also things you shouldn’t. Here are 4 things not to do if you want your child to develop healthy teeth and gums. Neglect daily oral hygiene. To set the […]